
RiverLife Chapel Mission Trip - October 6-9

Posted: 9/7/2023

RiverLife Chapel Mission Trip - October 6-9

Postponed: New date TBD

Join us in ministry at RiverLife Chapel in Niagara Falls

We will be serving and ministering to RiverLife Chapel. 
There will also be an outing to see the mighty Niagara Falls.


  • Leave COTK at 5pm on Friday evening.
  • All meals will be provided.
  • Bring money for travel meals and souvenirs.
  • We are sleeping at the church so bring your sleeping bag, clothes and toiletries for 3 nights. There is a shower.
  • We will arrive late on Friday and complete different work projects around RLC on Saturday.
  • Saturday Evening visit to Niagara Falls.
  • Sunday Morning @ RLC (Music and Message)
  • Monday Morning Hike of Niagara River Gorge
  • We will return home Monday evening.

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