
Emotionally Healthy Spirituality

Posted: 8/30/2023

This fall, beginning on October 15th, we will be working through a sermon series and small group sessions on “Emotionally Healthy Spirituality”.  This series follows a course developed by Pete Scazzero.  

A description from the course website shares that during this series we will develop depth in our relationship with Jesus as we:

  • Confront the Crisis of Emotionally Unhealthy Spirituality
  • Know and Become Your Authentic Self in Christ
  • Discover How Your Family of Origin Affects You Today
  • Find Your Way Through "Walls" to Grow into Maturity
  • Enlarge Your Soul Through Embracing Grief and Loss
  • Integrate Silence and Sabbath to Slow Down for Jesus
  • Grow Into an Emotionally Healthy Adult
  • Design a Lifelong Plan to Live in God's Love

We will have some of the workbooks available to purchase at the church.   We invite you to join a small group, get the “Emotionally Healthy Spirituality Workbook”, and dive in as we gather around God’s words of hope and encouragement for us in this season.  

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